FAQs for Ukrainians on U.S. Immigration Topics

A comprehensive source of verified information produced by immigration attorneys.

  • Refugee Admission and Asylum Protection
  • Humanitarian Parole and Uniting for Ukraine
  • Temporary Protected Status
  • Non-Immigrant Visas
  • Immigrant Visas and Permanent Residence in the U.S.
  • Additional Questions about Immigration to the U.S.

Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) and Humanitarian Parole

Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) Overview and Information

Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) Application Procedures

Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) Travel and and Pre-Arrival:

Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) Post-Arrival:

Benefits and Social Assistance for Ukrainian Parolees

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has put together a list of resources for federal benefits and services that may be available for Ukrainians who have been granted humanitarian parole.

Health and Safety Resources

Health Requirements and Services for Parolees

Other Topics and Resources