In an informative article published by Voice of America, Ukraine Immigration Task Force attorneys offer legal analysis on U.S. dual citizenship and the obligations imposed on Ukrainian nationals living abroad. Attorneys Anne Smith and Vitaliia Yurchak were quoted extensively on U.S. citizenship and travel issues for Ukrainians.

This highly informative article discusses how new Ukrainian laws affect U.S. dual citizens and permanent residents who retain Ukrainian nationality (even if they don’t know they have it). In addition to providing pertinent updates on Ukrainian consular services to Ukrainian males living abroad, the article warns male U.S. dual citizens and permanent residents ages 18-60 to consider the legal consequences of traveling to Ukraine, as they may not be allowed to leave. Moreover, U.S. consular protection and assistance may not be available to such individuals, even if they are longtime U.S. citizens.

The Voice of America article can be found here:

If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident from Ukraine, or a Ukrainian national living in the United States, please read this important article about new laws affecting travel into and out of Ukraine.

For a more in-depth discussion of U.S. and Ukrainian citizenship laws, rights and obligations of dual citizens, consular procedures, and travel advisories for U.S. citizens in Ukraine, read our article here:

Photo from Adobe Stock, courtesy of Voice of America.