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Humanitarian Parole vs. Temporary Protected Status (TPS): What Is the Difference, and Can You Have Both?

Posted on April 5, 2024

Many Ukrainians who arrived in the U.S. since Feb. 2022 qualify for both TPS and humanitarian parole/re-parole. Although individuals can hold both of these statuses at the same time, there are some key differences. Learn more about the the eligibility criteria, application procedures, periods of protection, access to benefits, advantages and disadvantages of TPS vs. humanitarian parole for Ukrainians in our article here. Read more

Filing a Late TPS Re-Registration Application: What to Do if You Missed the October 20th Deadline

Posted on October 27, 2023

For Ukrainians who held TPS in the initial term but have not yet re-registered to extend their TPS status, USCIS provides a limited opportunity for individuals to re-register for TPS if they can show good cause for why they are filing after the October 20th deadline has passed. Read more

Applying to Travel Outside of the U.S. with Humanitarian Parole or TPS

Posted on September 1, 2023

Ukrainians who are in the United States on humanitarian parole and/or TPS and wish to travel outside of the U.S. must first apply to USCIS for a travel document. Although the process is the same for most Ukrainians applying for an advance travel document, the type of travel document issued and how long it's valid depends on the applicant's status. There could be some advantages to traveling with certain types of documents. Read more

Ukraine’s Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is Redesignated with New Eligibility Dates and Extended for Current TPS Holders

Posted on August 18, 2023

Today, DHS announced a redesignation of Ukraine for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), as well as an extension of TPS for Ukraine for 18 months from October 20, 2023 through April 19, 2025. Ukrainians who arrived in the U.S. on or before August 16, 2023, may be eligible to apply for the new TPS period. Ukrainians who already hold TPS may register to extend their status. Read more

Ukraine Immigration Task Force Urges Biden Administration to Redesignate and Extend TPS for Ukraine

Posted on August 11, 2023

Today, we called on President Biden, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to immediately extend and redesignate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ukraine for 18-months. Read more

Ukraine Immigration Task Force Quoted in Voice of America Article on Parole Extension for Ukrainians

Posted on March 20, 2023

Voice of America featured our Ukraine Immigration Task Force in an article about parole extension and upcoming TPS expiration for Ukrainians. The article discusses other common applications for parolees and quotes three of our immigration attorneys -- Svitlana Ugryn, Iryna Mazur, and Anne Smith. Read more

Re-Parole for Ukrainians: Issues and Proposed Solutions

Posted on February 23, 2023

Ukrainians who were granted humanitarian parole for only one year in spring of 2022 are unable to receive timely re-parole or extend their stay in the United States. In addition to losing lawful status and becoming at risk for deportation, Ukrainians who cannot obtain re-parole soon risk losing their employment authorization, medical insurance, and other federal benefits that were granted based on their parole status. The Ukraine Immigration Task Force has outlined a summary below of the challenges caused by the current regulations and processing delays. We are also proposing specific regulatory actions that would enable Ukrainians whose parole expires soon to quickly and easily apply for re-parole, maintain their employment authorization, and continue to have access to benefits for which they are currently eligible. Read more

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ukrainians: Background and Requirements

Posted on February 6, 2023

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a temporary immigration protection that is provided to nationals of certain countries who cannot return to their home countries due to an ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or other dangerous conditions defined by the U.S. State Department. Individuals who are granted TPS are protected from being removed from the United States.... Read more

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