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We welcome NON-LEGAL inquiries from the public. Please note that our organization does not provide consultations, legal representation, or immigration advice. We cannot respond to inquiries about immigration law or updates.

If you have a question about immigration laws or procedures, please consult a qualified immigration attorney. If you wish to speak with an immigration attorney but do not have one, you may try contacting one of the attorneys listed on our Legal Assistance Providers page for a consultation. Please note that the attorneys listed on this page are independent practitioners. Our organization is not responsible for their actions or advice, and we do not have any information about their business practices or rates.

You may also visit our FAQs on Immigration Topics as well as our Resources in the United States web page. In addition, we post Legal Updates on various immigration topics that may be useful. 

Our organization does NOT provide sponsorship or find sponsors for Ukrainians. If you are a Ukrainian in need of a U.S. sponsor for the Uniting for Ukraine program, you may learn more and sign up here:

For media inquiries, please contact our communications team.

If you are with an organization or community group and would like to sign up to receive important updates, please visit our Join Us page to get in touch with us.

If you are an attorney helping Ukrainians with immigration matters and would like to join our attorney listserv, please contact us through our Join Us page.

By reading this, you agree that the information you receive through this forum is not to be considered legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please consult a qualified attorney to discuss your own situation and to obtain assistance with specific matters.

The content on this website is provided for general educational purposes only. It is not intended to be taken as legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship. This website and its content are property of the Ukraine Immigration Task Force and may not be reproduced in any format without written permission. By using this website, you agree to abide by our Terms of Use.

Learn more about how to use this site.